Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

South Africa and Zambia Joint Science and Technology Research Programme

Marketing Course Joint application for funding must include a Principal Investigator from each country. Researchers in South Africa should be used in higher education recognized universities or research institutions such as University, technology or science council in South Africa. Researchers from both countries should have a PhD.
Joint research project proposals will be submitted to the authorities in both countries for the evaluation, the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) in Zambia and the National Research Foundation in South Africa (NRF).
Marketing Course Evaluation will be conducted in accordance with the following criteria:
-Scientific and technical services;
-Impact on the bilateral relations of science and technology;
-The significance for both countries;
The potential to create a research and development capacity-;
-The quality and clarity of presentation of the project;-Methodology, and
-Suitability and feasibility
successful projects in South Africa will be funded up to a maximum amount of R200 000 over two years. Zambia project will receive the equivalent in their national currency (Zambia Kwacha). Therefore, researchers have noted that two separate budgets for a maximum of R100 000 (per year) will be required from each side. Researchers should note that they will be responsible for their own subsistence international, travel and accommodation.
The Marketing Course Principal Investigator will be responsible for scientific and financial reporting, as well as other technical and administrative coordination of the project. They also will be required to submit annual and final reports for each institution after completion of project financing. The researchers working in private enterprise will not be allowed to implement this program. http://www.callforpapersinfo.com

Open Scholarship for International Students: None

Description of Scholarship: Marketing Course Government of Zambia and the Republic of South Africa signed an agreement of cooperation in Science and Technology and subsequently signed a Plan of Action (PoA) in 2010. Both countries have decided to jointly support researchers from universities and public research institutions on the basis of equality and mutual benefit in an effort to enhance scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries.
Marketing Course Therefore we are pleased to announce calls for proposals joint research project between South Africa and Zambia scientists / researchers, and invite the scientists / researchers in these countries each of which want to participate, to submit their proposals.

How to Apply: Online

Scholarship Application Deadline: June 17, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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