Senin, 25 April 2011
USA Marketing Course Scholarship for Transfer Students
Marketing Course Students applying to USM as transfer students for fall admission are eligible to apply for this award. Eligible students must have earned a minimum of 24 credit hours from a regionally accredited institution of higher education and be pursuing their first bachelor’s degree. A Marketing Course minimum transfer grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 is preferred.The amount of award $1,500 in the first year; $1,000 in the second year.
Application Deadline: 10 June 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Rabu, 20 April 2011
Overseas PhD Scholarships Marketing Course
The Marketing Course scholarships are awarded for a period of three years and the difference between full-time teaching abroad and in full-time UK / EU fees per year. The scholarships are not for a doctorate part-time. Marketing Course On the basis of the costs for the current academic year (£ 11,500 in 2011), then the value of the grant £ 7.950 for this year.
Please note that overseas scholarships for doctoral studies provide no means of livelihood (ie, a maintenance grant) and successful applicants must pay on time Full UK / Fees EU for the duration of the grant (£ 3,550 for the academic session 2011). Marketing Course Applicants must have a class of first or upper second class honors degree in computer science, engineering, mathematics or science. Applicants may apply to the Admissions Office of Graduate Studies for advice on the comparability of qualifications
Application deadline: 1 May 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Jumat, 08 April 2011
PhD Scholarships Marketing Course,Italy
Marketing Course the Program, taught entirely in English, provides an excellent training for study and research in the various fields of economics. It has a long and consolidated tradition of post-graduate teaching and research in both theoretical and applied economics.Marketing Course since its inception, more than one hundred students have successfully completed the PhD Program, and many of them are working in leading academic and non-academic, prestigious institutions like the Federal Reserve, the European Commission, the United Nations, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and the Bank of Italy.
Marketing Course the first year of the PhD Program is devoted mainly to advanced course work in Mathematics for economics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics and a considerable number of frontier state-of-the-art research topics. Full time research is pursued over the following two (or exceptionally three) years, during which each student must write his or her thesis. Students are encouraged and financially supported to carry out part of their studies at leading foreign universities in order to allow them to exchange and compare ideas on a broader scale.
To apply, please read the Call for Pre-Applications downloadable at where the procedure is described. It consists of two stages, a pre-application and an official application. The pre-application is recommended but not necessary while the official application is.
To participate in the pre-application stage, your application must be received by May 15th. The official application will take place in the second half of July or the first half of August. (The precise date will be available on the Program’s website later.)
For questions please contact Professor Gerd Weinrich, Director of the PhD Program in Economics, at gerd.weinrich[ at ] (
Jumat, 01 April 2011
[UK] 10 Scholarships Marketing Course for Undergraduate Students
The scholarships Marketing Course are open to prospective full-time undergraduate students in any subject area for each year of a three-year course (subject to satisfactory progress). Marketing Course Foundation degree students (first or second year entry) are also eligible for the scholarships.
Who can apply Marketing Course ?
You can apply for an award if you:
are an international student (classified as ‘overseas’ for fee purposes);
have an offer of a place on an undergraduate degree course or foundation degree course at Kingston for 2011 entry (first or second year entry); and
are not currently registered on an undergraduate course at Kingston University.
How are the scholarships Marketing Course awarded?
Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of:
academic merit;
what you expect to gain from the Marketing Course you are taking; and
what you intend to do after completing the course.
How do I apply?
You can apply online now for scholarships for September 2011 entry. The deadline for September 2011 scholarship applications is 31 May 2011.
Apply online now
If you have any questions about the application and selection procedure, please read our FAQs or contact us at
Application Deadline : 31 May 2011
Web Link